Types of Snakes

There are a lot of types of snakes that are not venomous and that you can keep in your home or backyard. Some of these are Ribbon snakes, Stinging nettles, Garter snakes, Pythons, and Rat snakes. These are some of the most common species and can be used as pets.

Rat snakes Types of Snakes

Rat Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles that are known to live in a wide variety of habitats. They are generally docile, although some species are prone to attack. Regardless of their disposition, all rat snakes are constrictors, which means they squeeze their prey to death.

Rat snakes are a member of the snake family, Colubridae, which includes Old World genera such as rattlesnakes. These animals have slender bodies, flat bellies, and no head scales.

Rat snakes are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and at night. Their lifespan is generally ten to fifteen years in the wild, but in captivity, they can live more than thirty years.

Throughout their lifespan, rat snakes hunt for a variety of prey. They often eat rodents, birds, lizards, and other small animals. But they also consume aquatic prey, including fish, frogs, and other critters.

When threatened, rat snakes emit a foul-smelling musk. The musk is harmless, but if it comes in contact with a predator’s eyes, it can imitate venom.

Gray rat snakes live in a variety of habitats. Their homes include mangrove swamps, citrus groves, abandoned pastures, and cypress forests. During the winter months, the gray rat snake must enter a type of hibernation. Once the snake is in the den, it slows down its heartbeat and conserves energy.

During the spring and summer, the gray rat snake begins to look for food. It will climb trees to find food, and will even use warning behaviors to scare away predators.

In order to survive in colder climates, gray rat snakes must enter a type of hibernation. In the Spring, the snake will emerge from its den on warmer days.

Types of Snakes Garter

The common garter snake is a non-venomous snake that lives in most areas of the United States and Canada. They are commonly found in wetlands, ponds, creeks, and swamps. Their color ranges from olive green to black.

These snakes are also opportunistic feeders. They will eat frogs, small rodents, earthworms, fish, and insects. Garter snakes will often climb trees for shelter and food.

They are ovoviviparous. Meaning that they mate in large groups. Females give birth to about 10-40 live young. Newborns will stay together for a number of weeks.

Although they are not venomous, a bite from a garter snake can cause pain, itching, and swelling. If you are bitten by a garter snake, you should seek medical attention right away.

If you do not want to handle a snake, you can place it in a bucket. Alternatively, you can scoop it up and put it in a jar.

If you have an anaphylactic reaction to a snake bite, you should contact your doctor. You should also wash the bite area with soap. This will prevent infection from bacteria that can be transferred through the snake mouth.

If you find a garter snake on your property, you should take steps to protect it from predators. It is illegal to harass wildlife in British Columbia under the BC Wildlife Act.

Although they are not venomous, you should avoid touching them. This is because the saliva contains a neurotoxin that can paralyze prey.

In order to keep the garter snakes from living on your property, you should seal off your pond and bird feeders, remove any hiding places, and mow the lawn. Also, you should leave about one inch of space at the bottom of the grass.

Ribbon snakes

Ribbon snakes are a group of carnivorous reptiles. They are found in North America and are part of the family of Garter Snakes. These snakes live in bodies of water such as ponds, rivers, and lakes. Typically they reside near wetlands and other bodies of water, as they prey on small fish, tadpoles, newts, and insects.

Ribbon snakes are diurnal. Their main food is frogs and small fish, which they consume year-round. They also eat tadpoles and earthworms. In spring, the ribbon snakes are most active.

The western ribbon snake is listed as endangered by the Wisconsin DNR. Its territory covers much of the United States, including northern Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and southern Ohio. Some ribbon snakes extend their territory to the north, in Ontario Canada.

Although the western ribbon snake is endangered, its population isn’t considered harmful to humans. However, they are susceptible to road mortality, as they are very active during the evening and early morning hours.

Generally, they are found in areas that are high in vegetation. They tend to be relatively small, with a body length of 16 to 28 inches.

Eastern ribbon snakes have a brown or black body with three stripes. Each stripe is light, and runs along the body.

Like most snakes, the eastern ribbon snake is not venomous. But it does produce a mild venom that is not able to harm human beings. If bitten, it is best to wash the area with soap and water and apply first aid ointment.

Ribbon snakes are found in southeastern Canada, and in some parts of the United States, including Florida, South Carolina, and Georgia. They are protected in parts of Georgia.

Types of Snakes Stinging nettles

The stinging nettle (Urtica urens) is a genus of Urticaceae, a family that is widely distributed throughout North America. It has been used for centuries in herbal remedies, including the treatment of arthritis, eczema, and painful muscles and joints.

Stinging nettles are tall perennial broadleaf weeds. They grow in disturbed areas and forest pathways. In addition to their stinging properties, they also contain a number of constituents that provide various benefits to humans. Some of these include potassium, iron, and manganese.

Generally, stinging nettles are grown in damp soils that have a high nitrogen content. However, they are also found in disturbed soils in forest pathways and in urban settings. As a result, they can be problematic in fence rows and in areas where irrigated waterways are present.

Stinging nettles are commonly used as herbal remedies for arthritis, eczema, hay fever, and urinary problems. The stinging nettle contains sharp hairs that can irritate the skin. These hairs are long and thin and produce a burning sensation when they come into contact with the skin.

Traditionally, nettles were used as a source of fiber for cloth. Today, people may use nettles in their cooking, and livestock can eat them. Several studies suggest that topically applying nettle leaves can provide relief from joint pain.

Stinging nettles grow in large clumps in uncultivated areas. Under favorable conditions, these rhizomes will develop into mature plants. Typically, they can grow to a height of 5 to 10 feet, although some may reach up to 20 feet.

Although the stinging nettle is not venomous, it can cause abdominal and rash pain. The sting can last for up to 12 hours. If you feel a stinging sensation, you should rinse it thoroughly with warm water.


Despite their name, pythons Types of Snakes are not venomous snakes. Although they have venom, it is not harmful to humans.

Pythons are mainly found in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. They can grow up to twenty feet long. Males are larger than females.

African rock pythons are slow moving snakes that use sheer strength to grab and suffocate their prey. They can swallow their prey whole, if necessary.

Pythons have a range of different toxin molecules, which are chemically distinct from those of venomous snakes. Researchers are interested in these compounds as a possible source of new medicines.

If you are ever bitten by a ball python, you should first wash the bite with antiseptic soap and warm water. Then, you may want to pour some alcohol into the snake’s mouth. This can help to numb the area.

Regardless of how painful the bite is, you should not panic. It is important to see a doctor if the bite appears to be serious, as the toxin in the snake’s saliva can trigger a violent allergic reaction in some people.

If you are a regular visitor to a zoo, you might have seen a ball python on the floor. These snakes are not venomous, but they can still bite.

However, they are not very common. Ball pythons can bite people if they feel threatened. They have four rows of teeth on the roof of their mouths. They are not poisonous, but can cause infection in the mouth.

Snakes also have the ability to inject a lethal mixture of venom into their prey. Often, these venomous creatures only do this as a last resort.

Nevertheless, if you are bitten by a python, you should seek medical attention immediately. Venomous snake bites are very painful.

Updated: Januari 16, 2023 — 10:48 am